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Das Rundfunkschaffen von Josef Pelz von Felinau. Ein Nachlass am Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv. Funkdramatik und anekdotisches Erzählen vor dem „akustischen Mikroskop“


Based on the radio productions of Josef Pelz von Felinau (1895–1978), which are held as an estate stock at the German Broadcasting Archive (Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv), the creative periods of the broadcast author, speaker and producer are sketched by exemplary works: During the period of the Weimar Republic, the first radio play of Funk-Stunde Berlin, “Sensationen” (“Sensations”), was produced in 1925 under participation of Felinau. During the period of the National Socialism, more than 30 radio-dramatic pieces both under participation of and written by Felinau can be proved. Among these is a propagandistic radio series “Volkwerdung der Afrikaner” (“National incarnation of the Africans”) from 1940 and 1941, which was written by Felinau. After 1945, the first radio play of post-war Germany, “Hypnose” (“Hypnosis”) was broadcast on July 5th, 1945 – an important landmark in history of broadcasting from the workshop Felinau. Moreover, the radio series “Das Raritätenkabinett des Herrn Pelz von Felinau” (1963-1968) (“The rarities cabinet of Mr. Pelz von Felinau”) and “Anekdoten nach Noten” (1964 – at least 1976) (“Anecdotes on musical notes”) are on closer examination. Tendences of transfiguration of the past and modernism criticism are detected. Anecdotal stories and the consequently blurring of facts and fiction, the narrative game with veracity and the ambiguity of discourses of truth form a constant in the author’s work.

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Published in:

Pfundstein, Karin: Das Rundfunkschaffen von Josef Pelz von Felinau. Ein Nachlass am Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv. Funkdramatik und anekdotisches Erzählen vor dem „akustischen Mikroskop“. In: Rundfunk und Geschichte, Jg. 46 (2020), Nr. 3-4, S. 25-42.
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