Simanowski, Roberto

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deutscher Literatur- und Medienwissenschaftler und Gründer des Online-Journals für digitale Kunst und Kultur Dichtung-Digital

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Publications from this person:

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
  • Article
    Useless Programs, Useful Programmers, and the production of Social Interactive Artworks: Interview with Scott Snibbe
    Simanowski, Roberto (2006) , S. 1-12
    Scott Snibbe, who holds Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Fine Art, and a Master’s in Computer Science from Brown University, creates electronic media installations that directly engage the body of the viewer in a reactive system. His work has been shown internationally at venues including the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Artport (New York), Eyebeam (New York), and The Kitchen (New York); the InterCommunications Center (Tokyo); Ars Electronica (Austria); The Institute of Contemporary Art (London); and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco). He has been awarded a variety of international prizes, including the Prix Ars Electronica, and a Rockefeller New Media Fellowship. Snibbe has taught media art and experimental film at Brown University, the San Francisco Art Institute, the Rhode Island School of Design and UC Berkeley. He has held research positions at Adobe Systems and Interval Research. His works are designed to have specific social effects: to create a sense of interdependence, to promote friendly interaction among strangers, and to increase viewers’ concentration. Roberto Simanowski talked with him about kids, parents, Buddhism, benches and walls.
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    and/and/and - reading and thinking hypertext: an interview with J. Yellowlees Dougles
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-03-25) , S. 1-6
    J. Yellowlees Dougles, Director of the William and Grace Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication and Assistant Professor of English at the University of Florida, has been researching and writing on social construction of digital technologies and on hypertext focusing on the the applicability of literary theory, narratology and aesthetics to hypertext environments. In her essay "How do I stop this thing" (1994) she discusses the effect of hypertext's displacement of closure on the act of reading with special regard to Michael Joyce's "Afternoon". Her recent book "End of Books or Books without End" (2000) - "A classic of hypertext theory and criticism" (Jay David Bolter) - examines how interactive fiction works, takes a careful look at the state of hypertext criticism today, and suggests how the future development of interactive narratives relate to the New Realism. (see extended abstract, order from Eastgate Systems). Roberto Simanowski talked with her about satisfactions and limitations of hypertext, about its three paradoxes, and about her hyperfiction "I Have Said Nothing".
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    network (h)activity: Interview with Mark Amerika
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-11-03) , S. 1-10
    Mark Amerika is author of two literary novels, "The Kafka Chronicles" and "Sexual Blood" (1995), and also the Founding Director of the Alt-X Online Network (started 1993). Mark Amerika's project GRAMMATRON is one of the most widely accessed art sites on the World Wide Web, has been exhibited internationally including the Whitney Biennial 2000. Amerika's most recent project, PHON:E:ME, an mp3 concept album with an accompanying "hyper:liner:notes," was released at the Walker Art Center's Gallery 9 web site in 1999. Roberto Simanowski talked to Mark Amerika about his works, authorship, 'Avant-Garde Capitalism', and New Media Writing competitions.
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    Computerspiele im Prüfstand: Interview mit Claus Pias
    Simanowski, Roberto (2002-01-30) , S. 1-14
    Claus Pias ist wissenschaftlischer Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl "Geschichte und Theorie Künstlicher Welten" der Fakultät Medien an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Er beschäftigt sich mit Computerspielen, deren Entstehung und Eigenschaften er in seiner Dissertation "Computer Spiel Welten" (2000) untersuchte. Roberto Simanowski sprach mit ihm über Medienforschung, über Ästhetik, Ethik und Handlungskonzepte von Computerspielen sowie über ihre kulturtechnischen Vorläufer im vordigitalen Zeitalter.
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    Ölbilder mit Buntstiften, Formalismus und Halbwertszeiten. Interview mit Ursula Hentschläger und Zelko Wiener
    Simanowski, Roberto (2003) , S. 1-9
    Ursula Hentschläger und Zelko Wiener sind seit Jahren aktiv sowohl als Theoretiker wie Praktiker digitaler Kunst. Ihre Website ist eine Art Gesamtdatenwerk, mit Anmerkungen zur digitalen Kultur und Kunst wie dem Essay Vom Bit zum Qubit und Beispielen digitaler Kunst wie der Hyperfiction Fernwärme, der escherartigen Bilderfolge Panorama oder dem audio-visuellen Rollover-Poem YATOO (siehe Besprechung). Hentschläger und Wiener treten allerdings auch im Printbereich und auch hier in doppelter Hinsicht in Aktion: Ursula Hentschläger, die u.a. mit Romanen wie Martscherie oder das Leben in der Versuchung (1995) oder Lost & Found (2001) an die Öffentlichkeit trat, veröffentlichte 1993 in MedienKunstPassagen eine Online-Interviewreihe zum Künstler als Kommunikator und gab 1999 zusammen mit Katharina Gsöllpointner Paramour. Kunst im Kontext Neuer Technologien heraus. Mit Zelko Wiener, der seit 20 Jahren im Bereich Neue Medien arbeitet und 1986 mit einer Online-Animation auf der Biennale in Venedig vertreten war, veröffentlichte sie 2002 Webdramaturgie. Das audio-visuelle Gesamtereignis. Ein Jahr später gaben beide zusammen mit Manfred Faßler den Interviewband Webfictions. Zerstreute Anwesenheiten in elektronischen Netzen heraus, in dem neben einer umfangreichen Einführung von Manfred Faßler (Hybride Gegenwarten, cybride Räume) Interviews mit 21 Künstlern, Theoretikern und Kuratoren der digitalen Medien zu finden sind. Das 22. Interview - mit den Interviewern, Künstlern und Theoretikern Hentschläger und Wiener - wird hier nun nachgeliefert. Roberto Simanowski sprach mit den beiden über Medienbegriffe, über die Rolle des Technischen für Webkunst, über L'art pour l'art digital, über die Vergänglichkeit softewarebedingter Kunst und über gegenwärtige Ausstellungsformen.
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    From Surfiction to Hypertext: Interview with Raymond Federman
    Simanowski, Roberto (2001-06-09) , S. 1-8
    Raymond Federman, born in France (1928), emigrated to the U.S. in 1947 (after he survived deportation to Auschwitz as the only person of his family), is one of contemporary literature's most radical thinkers and influential authors and critics. He was a Distinguished Professor of French, English, and Comparative Literature at The State University of New York at Buffalo (he is now retired] but considers himself primarily a fiction writer. Federman has published several books of criticism on the work of Samuel Beckett as well as contemporary literature, numerous essays and articles, four volumes of poems and ten novels, written in English or French, translated into German, Italian, French, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian, Rumanian, Hebrew, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, and Chinese. Federman has received numerous awards, and was a fellow/artist in residence in France, Israel, and Germany. There he gave his poetic lectures in 1990 (published in 1992 in Edition Suhrkamp) about Surfiction and the prospects of literature. Roberto Simanowski talked to Raymond Federman about contemporary aesthetics of spectacle, the concept of surfiction and critifiction, and its relation to hyperfiction and realfiction.
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    Die Aaleskorte der Ölig: Interview mit Frank Klötgen
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-08-22) , S. 1-6
    Die Aaleskorte der Ölig von Dirk Günthers und Frank Klötgens ist einer der Preisträger des 98er Pegasus-Wettbewerbs für Internet-Literatur (Besprechung in dichtung-digital). Ein Text-Bild-Geflecht, das sich als Film ausgibt, 6,9 Milliarden Lesarten verspricht und eigentlich eine Parodie auf den Hypertext darstellt. Ein Werk, das nur Freunde oder Feinde hat. Roberto Simanowski sprach mit Frank Klötgen über die Ölig, den Ekel, Publikumsbeschimpfung, literarische Vorblider und die deutsche Szene der Netzliteratur.
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    Großer Bedarf und geringe Aussichten: Internet und Schule. Interview mit Peter Schlobinski
    Simanowski, Roberto (2001-03-22) , S. 1-5
    Peter Schlobinski, Professor für Germanistische Linguistik an der Universität Hannover, hat durch Arbeiten wie "Chatten im Cyberspace", "Sprache und Kommunikation im Internet" sowie die Herausgabe der Deutschunterricht-Themenhefte Das Internet - Sprache, Literatur und Kommunikation (1/00) und Hypertext - Hyperfiction (2/01) die neuen Medien vielfältig auch ins akademische und pädagogische Bewusstsein gebracht. Roberto Simanowski sprach mit ihm über die Situation der neuen Medien an deutschen Schulen und Universitäten.
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    Living for Hypertext: Interview with Deena Larsen
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-11-05) , S. 1-7
    Deena Larsen is an activist you will always find arround: at Hypertext Conference, at Digital Art and Culture Conference, at CyberMountain, and in many chats and workshops on hypertext. Roberto Simanowski talked to her about writing, promoting, and selling hypertext, the 4 labyrinths, the reader can be lost, and about her more recent work Disappearing Rain, that minglies fiction with non fictional websites.
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    Very Nervous System and the Benefit of Inexact Control. Interview with David Rokeby
    Simanowski, Roberto (2003) , S. 1-9
    The Canadian artist David Rokeby (1960) has been creating interactive sound and video installations since 1982. His work directly engages the human body or involves artificial perception systems and intends to explore time, perception, issues of digital surveillance and the relationships between humans and interactive machines. In 1982 Rokeby started developing Very Nervous System, a real time motion tracking system, which monitors the user's action via video camera, analyses the data in the computer and responds to the interactor's input. On the basis of this system - which is also used in music therapy applications and as an activity enabler for victims of Parkinson's Disease - Rokeby created several interactive installations with real-time feedback loops using video cameras, image processors, computers, synthesizers, and sound systems. Rokeby has graduated with honours in Experimental Art from Ontario College of Art in 1984, he has exhibited and given talks in Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Japan and Korea, including the Venice Biennale in 1986, Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) in 1991 and 2002, the Mediale (Hamburg, Germany) in 1993, the Biennale di Firenze (Florence, Italy) in 1996 and the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002. Rokeby was, among others, awarded the Petro Canada Media Arts Award (1988), the Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction for Interactive Art (1991 and 1997), and the Award for Interactive Art of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (2000). Roberto Simanowski talked with him about "systems of inexact control" which reject the control fetish, about their pragmatic role in every day life, about the bastardization of aleatoric art, about interactivity as the decline of critical distance and about technology as a genre.