Hagener, Malte

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Professor für Medienwissenschaft, insbesondere Geschichte, Theorie und Ästhetik des Films, an der Philipps-Universität Marburg und geschäftsführender Direktor des Marburg Center for Digital Culture and Infrastructure (MCDCI)

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Publications from this person:

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  • Review
    Cinema and experience – Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno
    Hagener, Malte (2012) , S. 333-337
    I first encountered the work of Miriam Hansen as a graduate student in the mid-1990s when her book BABEL AND BABYLON was the talk of the (at that time still fairly modest) film studies town – even though it was sitting somewhat uneasily on the fence. In fact, it was this position beyond the canonical that made the book so attractive in the first place. It did not fit into the raging debate of that time between psychosemiotics and neo-formalism, nor did it offer the (often too schematic and naive) way out within the cultural studies paradigm of empowering the individual or sub-culturally constituted groups.
  • Review
    Autoren, Piraten und andere Fantasien. Fünf Publikationen und noch mehr Argumente dazu, weshalb die Medienwissenschaft Rechtsfragen nicht länger ignorieren sollte
    Hagener, Malte; Kammerer, Dietmar (2014) , S. 203-206
    Besprochene Bücher: Alberto Beltrame, Ludovica Fales, Giuseppe Fidotta (Hg.), Whose Right? Media, Intellectual Property and Authorship in the Digital Age, Udine (Film Forum) 2014. Peter Decherney, Hollywood's Copyright Wars. From Edison to the Internet, New York (Columbia Univ. Press) 2012 (Film and Culture). Monika Dommann, Autoren und Apparate. Die Geschichte des Copyrights im Medienwandel, Frankfurt / M. (Fischer) 2014. Dirk von Gehlen, Mashup. Lob der Kopie, Frankfurt / M. (Suhrkamp) 2011. Thomas Vesting, Die Medien des Rechts: Sprache, Weilerswist (Velbrück Wissenschaft) 2011.