Engell, Lorenz

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Professor für Medienphilosophie und Dekan der Fakultät Medien an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

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Publications from this person:

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Article
    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2009) , S. 5-9
  • Article
    Zur Zeit der Dinge. Bemerkungen über MAD MEN
    Engell, Lorenz (2013) , S. 67-83
  • Article
    Ontogenetic machinery
    Engell, Lorenz (2011) , S. 10-12
    Media, as considered by media philosophy, are not what you expect them to be. In the first place, they have almost nothing to do with information, or transmission, or communication, or storage. They do not as such produce sense or distribute meanings. If they do so, it is as a side effect or a secondary function. In the first place, media are complex assemblies of material objects, and operations, and handlings, mostly technical apparatuses and gestures, but not exclusively.
  • Article
    The tactile and the index – From the remote control to the hand-held computer, some speculative reflections on the bodies of the will
    Engell, Lorenz (2013) , S. 323-336
    The article deals with the conception of tactility in Marshall McLuhan’s media theory and its relation to the notion of the index and the category of ‘secondness’ in the semiotic pragmatism of Charles Sanders Peirce. It shows how two different aspects of tactility in McLuhan’s work can be differentiated and, by further comparison with Michel Serres’ philosophy of the senses, how they are linked to the philosophical problem of the delegation of the will, or of the intention, from the human body to media technologies such as remote controls or computer interfaces.
  • Article
    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2010) , S. 5-9
  • Article
    Die Serie. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt
    Beil, Benjamin; Engell, Lorenz; Schröter, Jens; Schwaab, Herbert; Wentz, Daniela (2012) , S. 10-16
  • Article
    Medienwissenschaft der Motive
    Engell, Lorenz; Wendler, André (2009) , S. 38-49
    Die Autoren schlagen vor, Bruno Latours Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie für die Film- und Medienwissenschaften produktiv zu machen. Am Beispiel des Motivs der Jalousie, das in vielen Spielfilmen vorkommt, entfalten sie, wie dieses Ding als Akteur sowohl in der Filmhandlung als auch in Bezug auf Komposition, Beleuchtung usw. fungiert. Die Autoren zielen auf die Etablierung einer Datenbank kinematografischer Objekte.