Cinema, the Soporific: Between Exhaustion and Eros

Author(s): Gorfinkel, Elena


From medicine to philosophy to political theory, sleep has of late become a subject of extensive rumination and consternation. Whether conceived as territory of subjective possibility exceedingly contaminated, by the depredations of “24/7” capital (as per Jonathan Crary), or as a threshold corporeal state that signals the zero degree of human vulnerability and the alterity of subjectivity (as per Jean Luc Nancy), sleep resonates in our contemporary moment with pressing questions about mediation, labor, exhaustion and lived time. In the context of accelerating temporalities and unrelenting compression, sleep represents a disappearing currency for the overworked, oversaturated, hypermediated subject, but also connotes a certain (necessary) luxury. What are the potentialities and opacities proffered by cinema's figuration of sleep? Sleep when made an object of cinema's gaze is both pervasive and reflexive, as it can mark transitional narrative temporalities, spaces of erotic surplus, nonagentic performance, as well as recall some of the most fundamental ontological precepts and blind spots of filmic representation. Looking at sleep as both a condition of temporal alterity as well as potential zone for spectatorial surrender, this talk will analyze Tsai Ming Liang’s No No Sleep (2014), Sergei Loznitsa’s The Train Stop (2000), and Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor's Somniloquies (2017). Drawing on histories of sleep and insomnia, the presentation considers how the interstitial nature of sleep facilitates examination of cinema’s preoccupation with bodily endurance, performative labor, erotics and exhaustion, as well as a reconsideration of corporeal inactivity and its cinematic value.


Preferred Citation
Gorfinkel, Elena: Cinema, the Soporific: Between Exhaustion and Eros. (2017-12-12). Frankfurt am Main: Goethe-Universität (Kracauer Lectures, ). DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/13733.
 author = {Gorfinkel, Elena},
 title = {Cinema, the Soporific: Between Exhaustion and Eros},
 year = 2017-12-12,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/13733},
 address = {Frankfurt am Main},

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