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Kamera an, Kamera aus? Ein Gespräch über Sichtbarkeiten in der Videostream-basierten Lehre


The article documents a conversation that took place in October 2021. Students and teachers from higher education institutions discussed whether they considered it appropriate to make camera usage mandatory in class or to regulate it in any other way. In video conferences, both new and old strategies of hiding, showing, exposing, or controlling can be observed. Being-looked-at bears risks for many, as the visibility of personal spaces exposes living conditions, rendering people vulnerable. The discussion touched on conditions of looking, on possibilities of hiding or withdrawing from situations, on ways to connect with others in video conferences, and on precarious labor conditions.

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Published in:

Eickelmann, Jennifer; Einwächter, Sophie G.; Gregor, Felix T.; Hanstein, Ulrike; Kero, Sandra: Kamera an, Kamera aus? Ein Gespräch über Sichtbarkeiten in der Videostream-basierten Lehre. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 14 (2022), Nr. 1, S. 181-191.
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