Book part:
KOMETENTANZ – Varianten einer Verbindung aus Fulldome und Live-Performance


The intermedial production KOMETENTANZ (Dance Of The Comets), consisting of live performance (dance and pantomime) with fulldome projections, as well as an off storyteller, especially composed music and 360-degree sound effects from the Spatial-Sound Wave-System, includes many variations of combinations between fulldome and live performance. In this production, these two mediums (fulldome and live performance) are conceptually separated. The fulldome represents the cosmos, the stage represents the earth. When fulldome and live performance are used together, the attention of the public can be guided by the arrangement of each of these means of expression. Either the focus is on one of the two mediums or both are interacting equally at the same time. Characters or objects can change from one section into another. By doing so, they also change their outer appearance which makes it necessary to keep continuity through characteristical visual attributes. The physical presence of the performer on stage enables the represented character to react individually on the audience. Especially the use of motion tracking on live performers and the generation of real time dome projections is self-evident for the combination of fulldome and live performance, because, due to this technique, the atmosphere has an influence on the performance. The fulldome is part of an autopoietic feedback loop after Erika Fischer-Lichte. Further practical research is required regarding variations of the use of light on the live performers so as not to wipe out the projection shown in the dome. Experimenting with the use of seats for the public and the positioning of the »Area of Interest« of the Dome, can redefine the relation of spectators and actors or moreover blur the boundary between visitors and performers.

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Published in:

Klänge, Musik & Soundscapes
Institut für immersive Medien (ifim) (2014)
Preferred Citation
Dorweiler, Claire: KOMETENTANZ – Varianten einer Verbindung aus Fulldome und Live-Performance. In: : . Marburg: Schüren 2014, S. 112-120. DOI:
 author = {Dorweiler, Claire},
 title = {KOMETENTANZ – Varianten einer Verbindung aus Fulldome und Live-Performance},
 year = 2014,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 6,
 address = {Marburg},
 series = {Jahrbuch immersiver Medien},
 pages = {112--120},
 publisher = {Schüren},
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