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Book part:
Immersion und ästhetisches Bewusstsein. Die Konvergenz externer und interner Repräsentationen im Kontext philosophischer und kunsttheoretischer Tradition


The approach to the concept of immersion is closely connected with the perceptional paradigm of the aesthetic consciousness. The philosophical and art theoretical tradition describe the expression of the aesthetic consciousness in the context of a convergence of external and internal representation. The principle of convergence is a main reference for immersion and aesthetic consciousness. The phantasmaticimaginary processes of comprehension, within a subjective reception, are the key function. These processes are responsible for the configuration of subjectivity and the ability to create mental representations. Under the aesthetic condition the convergence of external and internal representation is a reduction of a difference between an aesthetic object and the subjective reception.

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Published in:

Grabbe, Lars C.; Grabbe, Lars C.: Immersion und ästhetisches Bewusstsein. Die Konvergenz externer und interner Repräsentationen im Kontext philosophischer und kunsttheoretischer Tradition. In: : . Marburg: Schüren 2012, S. 71-85.http://dx.doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/18212
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