Book part:
Ambiente Musik zur Vertonung immersiver interaktiver Medien

Author(s): Berndt, Axel


Ambient is a musical genre that is of particular interest for the scoring of interactive immersive media. One reason for this is that the mode of reception is atypical for music in general: Ambient is not meant to be received consciously. Another reason is that its stylistic features are predestined for use in the context of generative music techniques and, thus, for the use within real-time adaptive music systems. This article gives a phenomenological overview of the genre of ambient music and explains how it can be applied for the real-time adaptive scoring of interactive media.

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Published in:

Klänge, Musik & Soundscapes
Institut für immersive Medien (ifim) (2014)
Preferred Citation
Berndt, Axel: Ambiente Musik zur Vertonung immersiver interaktiver Medien. In: : . Marburg: Schüren 2014, S. 95-105. DOI:
 author = {Berndt, Axel},
 title = {Ambiente Musik zur Vertonung immersiver interaktiver Medien},
 year = 2014,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 6,
 address = {Marburg},
 series = {Jahrbuch immersiver Medien},
 pages = {95--105},
 publisher = {Schüren},
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