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Medienökologien. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt


Ecological issues are currently being discussed in many fields of cultural studies and media studies. They are given explosive potential by global debates on the causes of climate change and concerns about planetary balance. The question of how technical infrastructures, artificial environments, and interventions in existing ecosystems permanently change the relationship between technology, culture, and nature also concerns terms and concepts in media studies. This insight has given rise to approaches that examine the systematic use and historical role of an «ecology of media» and the «media of ecology,» and that process ecological knowledge and question ecological practices with regard to their media techniques. The contributions collected here explore how the relationship between media and ecology might be grasped, the plausibility ecology might have for media studies, and which objects media studies might able to understand ecologically.

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Löffler, Petra; Sprenger, Florian: Medienökologien. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 8 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 10-18.10.25969/mediarep/1685
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